Urgent- Join us at the Next Fans Forum in aid of JH appeal Saturday 3rd July 2010!

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Jim Holmes, Kirk Stephens & Paul Culpin (top); Dave Bennett & Micky Gynn (bottom)

With apologies for the short notice we have given you (due to England’s unexpected early departure from South Africa) we would like to invite you to join us in a Fans Forum (a joint venture between CCFPA &  Coventry City Supporters Club) this Saturday 3rd July 2010. 

Former Players Dave Bennett, Kirk Stephens, Jim Holmes, Micky Gynn and Paul Culpin will be on hand to field questions about past present and future Sky Blue matters. With this panel of former players you know it will be a fun evening!  The Question and Answer session will take place at the Supporters’ Club premises on Freehold Street (off Swan Lane) -kick off 8pm. There will be a raffle and hopefully a band to follow the main act!

Admission is completely free and all proceeds from the evening will go towards the Jimmy Hill Tribute Appeal.

With England now out of the World Cup why not come and listen to some real players? Please tell your friends that all are welcome!!! 

How You Can Help CCFPA back the JH Appeal – Are our Former Players up for it?

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As highlighted recently an appeal has been launched by Joe Elliott of CCFC to honour (in his own life time) our illustrious former manager and ex- managing director Jimmy Hill.  The appeal- supported at the recent press launch by FPs and Legends George Curtis and John Sillett– aims to raise £150000 by the end of next month to pay for the erection of a larger-than-life size bronze statue in a prominent position outside the Ricoh Arena (hopefully before the stadium hosts the football Olympics in 2012).

Jimmy Hill CCFC Manager 1961-67

The deadline for the appeal is July 31st 2010.  Kevin Heffernan of the Association  is the JH Tribute Appeal Chairman and can be contacted at kevin_heffernan@btinternet.com if you need more information.  The Appeal is sponsored by CCFC, Coventry City Council, The FA, the PFA and supported by Coventry Building Society and donations can be made in person at any one of their branches or transferred electronically (sort code: 40-63-01; Account no. 944715278)

The Association has already made a significant donation on behalf of all our members collectively. However, CCFPA encourages all our Patrons, Members and Associate Members to consider an individual contribution as small or large as you can manage.  Donors of £5000+ will have their name inscribed on the plinth; any individual or group of 6 donors giving £12000+ will, in addition, receive a miniature of the statue and will have the chance to meet (subject to health) Jimmy at a special lunch before the home friendly match against West Bromwich Albion on 31st July 2010.

Committee members are currently contacting as many of our former players who played under Jimmy Hill to come to the W.B.A. game to pay tribute to Jimmy. If you fall into this category and wish to come on the 31st July and haven’t yet been contacted by Bob Bromage (07951840141) or Jim Cox (07784720373) please give them a ring or email them (addresses on our contacts page). Please spread the word amongst our membership particularly if they do not have access to a computer!

It should be a great day for our members and no doubt our Associate Members and other fans will be able to meet as many as possible of their 1960s heroes in the G-Casino after the game.

Ian and Ron meet Adie at the Diamond Club

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Ron Farmer & Ian Wallace chat to Adie Boothroyd & Joe Elliott (CCFC) at a recent Diamond Club Dinner

Our Former Players are always pleased to support Coventry City’s Diamond Club (for fans who have been supporting the club for 50 years or more). Kev Monks has sent us this photo of FPs Ian Wallace and Ron Farmer who were special guests at this years dinner on Thursday 17th June 2010- and who should they be talking to but the Sky Blues’ new Manager Adie Boothroyd and Joe Elliott of CCFC. No doubt there was some good advice offered!

Jimmy Hill Tribute Appeal

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Jimmy Hill on song

Coventry City Former Players Association is proud to support the recently announced Tribute Appeal for Jimmy Hill as City’s Manager between 1961-67 the architect of the Club’s original ‘Sky Blue Revolution’ with all its innovative ideas and City’s subsequent rise to the top division of the Football League and since then as an all round football visionary and communicator (including a second spell with the Club as Managing Director).  The aim is to raise £150000 to erect a substantial statue in Jimmy’s likeness in front of the Ricoh Arena, hopefully before the arena (as the City of Coventry Stadium) is used for matches in the 2012 Olympic football competition. You may have seen pictures in the last few days in the media of interviews with Joe Elliott of CCFC and Association Members John Sillett and George Curtis adding their vociferous support to the start of the Tribute campaign. 

Appearing shortly on these pages will be further information about the Appeal including details (and contacts) should you wish to contribute as well as news of a special reunion of FPs who played under ‘JH’ early in the new season! Watch this space…………..