Legends Charity Game: Last Cheque Presented

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Last August 2013 six thousand or so Coventry City fans attended a Grand Charity football game at the Ricoh between a CCFPA Sky Blues Legends team and a Midlands All Stars XI. In what proved to be an emotional day all round, thanks to the hardwork of the Association and the other main organisers and most of all to the generosity of all those present and the various sponsors of the day, the magnificent total of over £21000 was collected for charity. A gallery of photos from the day can be found on the this web site (click the ‘Galleries’ tab above)

Cancer Research UK

Neil (left) receives the cheque from Billy

On September 6th last, in a jam packed Legends Lounge at the Ricoh, representatives of fifteen (predominantly local) charities received their share of the total charitable donation in a cheque presentation ceremony attended also by many former players, members and guests of the organisers of the Charity game (CCFPA, the Sky Blue Trust and Coventry City Diamond Club).   Check back on the news items on this site to see coverage of that evening’s activities.

One cheque presentation remained outstanding, that to the national charity Cancer Research UK.  This was accompished very recently when CCFPA’s Vice Chairman Billy Bell, one of the leading lights of the whole project to mount the Charity game, presented a cheque to Neil Loader of Cancer Research UK at their Trinity Street branch in Coventry (pictured above).

Neil, through Billy extended his thanks to all those who contributed to the Charity Day and the wonderful sum raised and donated by the ‘Sky Blues family’ of supporters!

We’re Back to Normal!

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Regular readers will have noticed that our website has had a rather strange appearance for a short while. Apologies for this short break in full service.

We are pleased to say that we have been able to track down why our website’s display changed and this has enabled us to resolve the situation.  We have also taken the opportunity to update some of the features of the site and now that www.ccfpa.co.uk is back to its best in terms of function and appearance we trust you will continue to enjoy its content as before.