Golf Day 2024 Pt.8: Our FP & Other Guests At Post Match Dinner

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CCFPA LogoIn previous posts we covered the main sporting activities of the Association’s latest successful Golf Day 2024 held last Thursday (6th June) hosted by by our good friends Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club. Thanks to their staff for making the day a competitive sporting challenge and a friendly and convivial reunion. Thanks to CCFPA committee members Jim Brown, Billy Bell, Richard and Sarah Morris for all their hard work in setting up and running the event. Thanks too to  G-Casino, and two of our Corporate Members, Coventry Power Steering and Auto Jap Spares for sponsoring the day!

We have shared many photos of the arrival and registration of our CCFC Former Player guests each joining a team of three for eighteen holes of excellent golf. We have offered photos of our golfers on the swarth and taking refreshments as they mixed and reminisced about their Sky Blue days.

The Sky Blue bedecked dining room before the dinner


Now our attention turns to the activities after the golf had finished and results decided. The photos on this page (all taken by Richard Morris) take us to the nineteenth tee where all our guests (joined by additional non playing guests (like CCFPA veteran Ian Goodwin and CCFPA President Joe Elliott) gathered in the club-house.

There they prepared for an excellent dinner, some entertaining FP interviews by Billy (which we cover next time), the award ceremony for golfing prizes won during the day, and a raffle and auction of sporting memorabilia (for Association funds).

The table plan is shown (top left), the room wonderfly decked out by SDPGC staff in Sky Blue awaiting the diners (above centre) and all the pics of the participants starting to join their tables for the evening’s events follow. See who you can spot!:-









Next time we show you photos of some of the Former Player interviews and the events surrounding the raffle and auction before proceeding to the prize award ceremonies. Keep checking back tomorrow!


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