Norman Smith- City’s Oldest Former Player signed up

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Norman Smith in his playing days

We are pleased to announce that Coventry City’s oldest surviving former player Norman Smith has just been signed up for the Association. 

A North Eastener, Norman became an apprentice at Standard and signed for the Bantams as a 19 year old junior in May 1938. Appearing at centre forward or on the wing unfortunately the Second World War heavily disrupted his career and he was only able to make 15 peacetime appearances for the City before leaving for Millwall for £3000 in December 1947 .  When war broke out in 1939 Norman had joined up and went into the RAF and became a flight lieutenant flying Spitfires and Mustangs -a highly dangerous mode of service.

Norman returned to the area in 1949 playing for Bedworth Town. He also worked at the Humber motor works in the early 50’s and then moved on to the G.E.C. from where he retired in the mid 80’s. Norman now lives in a Coventry Nursing Home and unfortunately  is not in the best of health.

However we are proud to add this 91 year old City veteran to the Association ranks!

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