Urgent- Join us at the Next Fans Forum in aid of JH appeal Saturday 3rd July 2010!

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Jim Holmes, Kirk Stephens & Paul Culpin (top); Dave Bennett & Micky Gynn (bottom)

With apologies for the short notice we have given you (due to England’s unexpected early departure from South Africa) we would like to invite you to join us in a Fans Forum (a joint venture between CCFPA &  Coventry City Supporters Club) this Saturday 3rd July 2010. 

Former Players Dave Bennett, Kirk Stephens, Jim Holmes, Micky Gynn and Paul Culpin will be on hand to field questions about past present and future Sky Blue matters. With this panel of former players you know it will be a fun evening!  The Question and Answer session will take place at the Supporters’ Club premises on Freehold Street (off Swan Lane) -kick off 8pm. There will be a raffle and hopefully a band to follow the main act!

Admission is completely free and all proceeds from the evening will go towards the Jimmy Hill Tribute Appeal.

With England now out of the World Cup why not come and listen to some real players? Please tell your friends that all are welcome!!! 

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