Successful 2010 Golf Day: 19th Tee Report

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                                                           Some of our Golfing Former Players- who can you identify?

The third annual Former Players Golf Day that was held last Thursday (10th June 2010) at the Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf was a resounding success (CCFPA’s Bob Eales reports) with much positive feedback. Fully 22 FPs played and nearly a hundred people, both players and non players, in total attended the event and the dinner and presentations in the evening.

 Among the former players that hit the links were Tommy Hutchison, Dennis Mortimer, Kevin Gallacher, Andy Blair, Steve Ogrizovic, Willie Carr, Graham Newton and last minute arrival Steve Staunton.  Also present but unfortunately unable to play (due to an injury similar to Rio Ferdinand) was Micky Gynn.

 Bob reports that :-  ‘The weather was kind to us, although cold, overcast and very windy at times, the 19 teams got around the course in good time with some very good scores, with even our own Gemma McLean (CCFPA Committee) winning a nearest the pin award.  The best former player award went to the shark Kevin Gallacher with 39 points, who was also in the winning team’.

 The Former Player’s results are reproduced in full below (Sorry Wilf!):-

  HCP Pts     HCP Pts
Kevin Gallacher  24 39   Graham Newton  14 27
Steve Staunton    9 38   Peter Wyer  14 26
Steve Ogrizovic    5 34   Tommy Hutchison    7 25
Jimmy Holmes  14 32   Paul Culpin  14 25
Dave Smith  16 32   Peter Billing  24 25
Ron Farmer  24 31   Willy Carr    9 24
Andy Blair  16 31   Dougie McGuire    5 23
Kevin Drinkell  28 30   Dennis Mortimer  18 18
Peter Hormantschuk  24 29   Bob Wesson  26 15
Kirk Stephens  14 28   Wilf Smith  20 13
Jeff Blockley  22 28   Micky Gynn   scr


The Association would like to give special thanks to the Golf Day Sponsors, Geoff Harris from Coventry Plumbing and Heating Supplies and Quinton Kozma from the G Casino for their support to the association and to Johnny Reay and his team at Stoneleigh Deer Park for their organisation for the day.

We would also like to thank  Joe Elliott (of CCFC)  for his continued support and great words in the evening formalities and of course to the all our former players for their continued support.

Pictures of the day provided by our official photographer Tony Thomas ( have now been added to our Gallery Section. Why not also take a look at our Gallery pictures of the 2008 and 2009 Golf Days?




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