Former Player news: Terry Butcher gains Scottish acclaim

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City Old Boy News: CovSupport News Service reports that former Coventry City player/manager Terry Butcher has recently been inducted into the Scottish Football Museum’s Hall Of Fame.

AlTerry will be remembered as a stalwart England central defender earning 77 full international caps and though Butcher did not have much luck as City player/manager from when he replaced John Sillett in November 1990 to being sacked in January 1992, Terry fared better in Scotland where he was manager of Clydebank, Motherwell for four seasons and Partick Thistle, was Scotland’s assistant manager under George Burley, and has managed Inverness Caledonian Thistle since January 2009.

Although achieving prominence with English club Ipswich Town from 1976-86 Terry has always had strong playing connections north of the border making over 100 appearances for Rangers in four seasons. Remarkably he is the first non-Scot to be inducted into the Scottish Hall Of Fame.

Terry is not yet a member of the Association but we hope to remedy this before too long.

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