Golf Day 2013 Entry – Hurry – Only 3 days to Discount Deadline.

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Golf Day 2013 Poster redThings are shaping up nicely for CCFPA’s annual golfing reunion. Golf Day 2013 is being held at Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club on Thursday June 6th 2013. With only a month to go places are filling up fast. We only have a maximum of 22 team slots to fill, each being accompanied by a Sky Blues star of the past. Why not join some of the local companies listed below who have already decided to enter a team and enjoy what is sure to be a memorable day out.

We have 16 former players and managers of the Club who have already signed up to play (with many more expected to commit as the day of the event nears) so why not enter NOW before generous team discounts are withdrawn on May 8th. Check out on this site tomorrow when we reveal the names of some of the CCFC past masters who will be joining us!

The full cost for a team of three after the deadline of May 7th* is £240. If you act quickly and pay £100 deposit by the deadline with zither remaining £100 by the end of May you get a cracking £40 discount. Even better pay in full, £180, before May 7th and the discount rises to a whopping £60! 

*Please note that to allow for possible Bank Holiday postal delays cheques dated 7th May will be accepted by SDPGC up to close of play on the 8th.  Alternatively if you would prefer to pay directly by bank transfer please contact Frank or Mike (below) for details.  Entry forms can be got by return by contacting Frank on or fellow committee mmembers Bob Eales (07538154239) or Mike Young on

Whether pre-deadline or not all completed entry forms and payments should be sent direct to Stoneleigh Deer Park GC , the Old Deer Park, Coventry Road, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire CV8 3DR (for the attention of Linda Edmondson).  However, all enclosed payments should be made out to ‘CCFPA‘. The Golf Club’s contacts are Tel. 02476639991 Fax: 02476511533Email:

Why not join the following early team entrants in friendly competition and network at the same time?

The first company to enter a team this year was Mick Penny’s –  BT Promotions (Mick is a great supporter of the FPA entering a team every year). They were followed quite closely by Ken Sharples from – Holbrook Motors  and David Shortland of Shortland Horne L & D Ltd..

This year we are also delighted to welcome our first Ladies Team entered by Sandra Garlick of De Marco Solicitors and (another first), a team from Coventry City London Supporters Club consisting of  Jim McIlwaine, Colin Henderson & Charles Tompkins.
Individual entrance to Golf Day is an initiative this year at £80 (discount pre 7th May £60). Congratulations therefore to the  first ever individual entrant, Gordon Lillie from Princess Risborough. We are looking forward to welcoming Gordon and all the individual and team entrants on 6th June. Watch this space!!



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