Blast from the Past: 1966-67 Championship Reunion

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Div 2 Champions 1966-7 Team Reunion 2007

We thought you might like to be reminded of the Reunion organised at the Ricoh in 2007 by CCFC assisted by the CCFPA which brought together members of the 1966-67 Sky Blue squad which took the City to the very top by winning the Division Two Championship. This photo which recently came to light has not appeared on this site before. Pictured above are Sky Blue players and officials of this momentous season holding their commemorative awards:-   (from left to right) Back Row:   John Mitten; Mick Kearns; John Key; Norman Pilgrim (physio); George Curtis (captain); Jimmy Hill (Manager); Ron Farmer; Benny Glover; Alan Dicks (Assistant Manager) Front RowJohn Tudor; Ian Gibson; Bobby Gould & Brian Hill

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