CCFPA 1970 Euro Reunion: Kovantri v Botev- Feedback from Bulgaria

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The welcome given by FPs and fans to Botev Plovdiv’s playing hero Dinko ‘Chiko’ Dermendjiev at last Saturday’s Reunion of the Sky Blues’ 1970 European Squad has certainly raised CCFC and the Association’s international profile!


This website has recieved a number of positive messages from supporters of Botev Plovdiv (called Trakia Plovdiv at the time of Coventry City’s two matches with them in the European Fairs Cup in 1970). A selection are reproduced below:-

“Greetings from Bulgaria. Best of wishes to Coventry and all its fans. I wish you a lot of success in future! Chiko is a real gentleman indeed” (Dimitar); “best of luck to the sky blues! Hope we get a rematch someday in the european competitions! … And once again thanks for the invite and all the best to the Sky blues! ” (botev ultras france division); “we will wait videos and photos of chiko.he is really very famous in wishes to Coventry city from Plovdiv (Plovdiv); “Kudos to everyone who set up this nice reunion. Best of luck to the Sky Blues and lets meet each other one day in the European Cups again” (Botev Plovdiv til I die); “Greetings from Bulgariq, Sky Blues ! It would be great, Botev Plovdiv and Coventry to play a friendly match someday” (ReZo); “greetings! all the best and many happy matches home and away” (bultras)

We have also since heard from Bulgarian Sky Blue supporter Nicky Dafovski who flew over with Dinko on his visit and acted as an able interpreter during all the Reunion activities over two days.  Nicky thanked the Club and Association for the invite and exceptionally friendly reception and emphasised how much Dinko was overwhelmed by the warmth of his welcome from both the Sky Blues Former Players and the Coventry fans. It is said Dinko would now like to be thought of as an honorary Coventry supporter and we are happy to make him an Honorary Associate member of the Former Players Association which will help us keep touch in the future.  Reproduced below are two of Nicky’s own photos of the day. Others have now been added to our Gallery page on the Reunion.

Roy Barry, Billy Rafferty & Willy Carr with Dinko & Nicky

Dinko in the home dugout

Nicky tells me that last Monday he and Dinko were interviewed by a Plovdiv radio station (pictures below) about the 40th Anniversary Reunion

Also he has sent us weblinks to various news sites from the Bulgarian press: Take a look!;;

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