JH Foundation says Thanks

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John (left) & CCFPA's Bob Bromage

The Association has received the following letter from Association member John Hartson‘s foundation which is self explanatory. John came to the Leeds United home game  last February as our special guest and we arranged a book* signing session and a collection in aid of his JH Foundation in the G-Casino at the Ricoh after the game. John has courageously fought back from the effects of testicular cancer and his Charity aims to promote awareness amongst men of the nature and symptoms of the condition and the dangers if left untreated.Les Laing, CEO of the foundation wrote to CCFPA thus:-

On behalf of the John Hartson foundation I would like to thank you for donating the proceeds of your fund raising events. Your donation of £600 is greatly appreciated as is your commitment to helping raise awareness and funds for research into testicular cancer.  With your support we will undoubtedly be able to increase awareness of testicular cancer in the community. Over the next two years we aim to take our awareness campaign to as many urban and rural communities as possible to get our message across. Furthermore, stressing the importance of all male’s checking themselves out on a regular basis. furthemore, highlighting how easy it is to do so.

Thanks again for your generous support of the John Hartson Foundation.”

 CCFPA wasvery happy to support these important objectives and would urge all our male readers to pay attention to the Foundation’s message.  We hope to see John again at our upcoming Golf Day next June 24th 2012.

*John’s book ‘Please Don’t Go – Big John’s Journey Back to Life‘  is published by Mainstream at £14.99.

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