Sumo and Hucks take to the Airwaves and Talk Sport

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CCFPA members and former Sky Blues scoring sensations Mick Quinn and Darren Huckerby have both been talking about their sporting life to Talk Sport recently. Both follow the fortunes of their old club closely.  (Thanks to Associate Member Kev Monks for the links).

Mick Quinn was actually in Coventry this month (on April 5th 2012) to help the Coventry Charity Football Cup raise £5600 towards its annual donation to seventeen Coventry & Warwickshire based charities. He is pictured above left being presented with his Association tie by CCFPA’s Billy Bell.  

Darren Huckerby, who visited the Ricoh for a book signing last November (above left) regularly tweets about the Club’s predicament and has just (following the Club’s desperate 0-1 defeat by Millwall last night (18th April 2012) which makes relegation from the Championship extremely likely) slated those that run CCFC  for their lack of support given to Andy Thorn and his squad over the season.

Both speak of happier times at CCFC (along with their other clubs) on Talk Sport and Mick, in particular, refers to the thrilling time he experienced at Highfield Road.

To hear the interviews, please click on  for Mick’s contribution and to hear what Darren said.

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