New Ties for Old(ish) Players!

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Notwithstanding the dismay felt by everyone in the Association for the relegation of CCFC the 25th Anniversary Celebrations surrounding the F.A.Cup winning squad provided many positive and inspirational memories to set against the gloom. In addition the reunions also gave CCFPA some opportunities to meet former players in person once again and mark the occassion by presenting them with an official Association tie.

Brian Kilcline and Nick Pickering – stars of the F.A.Cup victory – were signed up this month to give us a clean membership sweep of the Cup Final team and management (and most of the 1986-87 squad) and their tie presentations were featured in earlier news articles.

At the Celebration Dinner at Nailcote Hall on Friday 20th April we were delighted to present ties (pictured below) to two of the stars of the forward line (Keith Houchen and Nick Pickering) and two extremely important defensive cogs in the F.A.Cup run, Greg Downs and Brian Borrows (though ‘Buggsy’ was very unfortunate to miss the final itself due to injury in the previous game).

Keith (left) & Bob Bromage; Nick (right) & Jim Cox (CCFPA)


Brian (left) with Bob; Greg (right) & Jim Brown (CCFPA)

In addition, at the following days reunion of members of the victorious F.A.Youth Cup squad of 1986-87 six more players were recognised by the CCFPA by being ‘tied’ to the Association.

Bob sandwiched between Lee (left) and Craig (right) with Harvey, Charlie, Beau & Oliver in front

Lee Middleton and Craig Middleton (pictured above) received their ties as Full Members of the Association on the terrace outside the Ricoh’s E.ON Lounge prior to the Sky Blues last home game of the season against Doncaster Rovers on 21st April 2012. The presentation by CCFPA committee member Bob Eales was eagerly helped by Charlie, Lee’s eldest son and Craig’s twin boys Harvey and Oliver and daughter Beau. Lee told us he was keen to come to more home games next season as Charlie is getting really interested in football.  
Mike Cook (pictured below right) who also went on to play for the first team like the Middleton twins, was also presented with his tie by Bob in the E.ON  

Gary (left) with Bob


Mike (left) with Bob

Bob also presented ties to 3 other members of the FAYC squad who have become Honorary Associate members in recognisation of their singular achievement (though none eventually graduated to the senior squad and made first team appearances). Forwards Gary Marshall (above left) and Paul Shepstone and defender Mark Pollard (both below) were also presented with the celebratory skyblue neckwear before the game.

Paul (left) with Bob


Mark (left) with Bob

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