CCFPA Committee Members Shake for Charity

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Diabetes UK CertificateDiabetes UK LogoAt  the Association’s monthly committee last Thursday a welcome additional duty was performed by two of the committee members present. One of the Charities which benefitted to the tune of £1000 from the more than £21000 donated by fans and sponsors at the August Charity fixture at the Ricoh between the CCFPA’s Sky Blues Legends and a Midland All Stars XI was Diabetes UK.   Diabetes UK is one of the key partner charities of Tescos who were one of the sponsors the Charity game which marked the 130th playing Anniversary of Coventry City Football Club (and its predecessor Singer FC). The match was won by the Sky Blues Legends 8-3. 

IMG_3079 Dietmar Bruck to Felicity Schofield for Diabetes UKLast month (at the special presentation evening in the Legends Lounge at the Ricoh – pictured right) the cheque to Diabetes UK was presented to Felicity Schofield, Tesco Partnership Midlands Account Manager,  by Sky Blue stalwart of the 1960s Dietmar Bruck who also happens to be one of CCFPA’s Players Liaison Officers and committee members. Dietmar is also a Community Ambassador for Tesco.

Last Thursday Dietmar returned the compliment by bringing along a thankyou letter to CCFPA from Diabetes UK signed by Felicity and presenting to Association Chairman Jim Brown a Certificate of Gratitude (reproduced above left) to CCFPA from Diabetes UK.  Jim is pictured below accepting the certificate from Dietmar with thanks.  Felicity’s letter said:-

“Dear CCFPA, Thank you for supporting Diabetes UK and raising £1000 which will go towards working to improve the lives of people with diabetes.

As you may be aware, we receive no governemt funding and rely entirely on donations and subscriptions. We provide much-needed information services such as the Diabetes UK Careline, our national helpline for people with diabetes and their families. We raise awareness for this serious condition and campaigning for better care for people with diabetes. Perhaps most important of all we fund research into the causes and to improve the treatment of diabetes –  research that is gradually bringing us closer to finding a cure……… Once again, many thanks for your generous donation and support”.  

Jim B & Dietmar for Diabetes UK b x

Jim (left) and Dietmar (right)

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